Advanced firefly

We have all been on a huge, mainly self taught, crash course with Firefly over the last few months. Here are some tips to save you time and also to enhance the functionality we offer out students:

  • Embedding media files
  • Uploading to MS Stream
  • Moving pages 
  • Using More
  • Creating learning checklists
  • Linking images to files and folders
  • Marking using audio notes
  • Sharing examples of work

Embedding media files

Firefly allows you to wide range of online tools to create multimedia presentations.   These are a great way to increase student engagement.  Once you have finished them you can embed them straight into your firefly page.  

Here is a quick demo of how to embed an MS streams file direct onto the page

Uploading to MS Stream

The MS office suite of products includes a video hosting platform MS streams.  This is a safe place for you to save and share your video files.  As this is only accessed by students and staff here at LPGS it is entirely safe.  However, once files are uploaded be sure to set the correct permissions. 

Moving Pages

It's easy to reconfigure your pages through the copy option.  After clicking edit, choose the Copy option from the top right.  Now choose where you want the file to go. You can always go in and rename pages you have them in the right place

Using More

The More Dropdown box on Firefly allows you to include a whole range of functionality in your page - you can link in youtube pages directly, link to Google docs, link to Vimeo , upload excel files and much more. You can even get immediate feedback with a poll

The More Dropdown box on Firefly allows you to include a whole range of functionality in your page - you can link in youtube pages directly, link to Google docs, link to Vimeo , upload excel files and much more.  You can even get immediate feedback with a poll

Using more you select nav to add in the navigation bubbles (you can choose from auto creation, or creating your own)

Creating learning checklists

Self assessment is really helpful for students, firefly offers the functionality to create checklists that student can use.  You can populate your own ideas.  If students save progress, this then means you can gather data.  Or students an use it as a reminder of core skills

Here is a short demo of how to create a checklist

Linking images to files and folders

Drag and Drop

Rather than going through the long task of adding images and files - you can drag and drop the files direct from File Explorer onto the firefly page.

Another option is just copy and paste images 

Onedrive and Googledocs

Another option is to upload straight from onedrive.  Choose the more drop down option, onedrive and the files appears straight onto the page.  The works exactly the same for Googledocs

Another option is to link images to files and folders

A demo of how to link an image to a file

This functionality also works and will allow you to link directly to onedrive folders.  This means that you can now share folders of data with students.  The folders are read-write so for large options e.g. creating videos or large media files students can also upload ideas here.

To share a onedrive folder - 

Here is a short demo of sharing permissions on one drive

Marking using audio notes

Save time by recording audio feedback for students using the Firefly App.  Once you have this set up it's easy to record notes and sent them onto students.  

The app does crash every so often, so you may need to record the same files more than once, but it is still quicker than writing.

Here is a short demo of the app

Click below if you are really interested in using audio notes, there's a whole case study you can learn about.

Sharing examples of work

You can easily share examples of students work through the app.  This can help you share work with colleagues on wassap, and share examples of student work to social media easily and quickly.

Using Mentimeter

Mentimeter is a way that you can get live AFL and ideas from students.  USing your google account you can create a range of free interactive presentations.  With the free version, presentations only last 2 days.

Click the logo to goto the site

You can choose from a range of presentation types.  You can then email students the link or embed the page directly onto Firefly