
Remote Learning Inset – Loom with SM

What is Loom?

Loom is a chrome extension which enables you to create video content (screen, screen and camera or camera only) and share with students. It is also a hosting service (like YouTube).


  • Loom videos can be embedded on Firefly pages and added to powerpoint presentations.
  • Loom can be used in conjunction with a USB visualiser to show text annotation
  • Text annotation can be done on screen using the app and the pen function
  • Loom videos will be free forever for those working in education so the resources you create now can be used forever
  • Uploading is fast
  • Videos can be edited after creation

Helpful videos on using Loom:

Creating QR codes

QR codes can be created for students to link them to critical online material you want them to look at. They can be added to knowledge organisers, so that you can collate all relevant websites, videos and learning tools on a topic


The Noun Project to support dual coding

Dual coding is scientifically supported and refers to the practice of using images to enforce

and aid learning. The noun project provides a huge wealth of icons for you to use in your resources.


Some reading