How to set up a merged live lesson

Year group MS Teams have been created.  This is to support merged live lessons

Setting up a merged live lesson

Open MS Teams, select the TEAMS tab and navigate to the year group that you need (The team names in blue are live and take you direct to the team):

If you are teaching to all students in that year (E.g. English), just click meet and start your lesson

If the year group has been split by subject or group, click on the subgroup for your subject and start your lesson (Maths is split using teacher initials).

To start your meeting navigate to your area and press meet now- please do not send invites for subgroups as all members of the group get all invites. Instead, year 7, 8 & 9 have been sent links to your areas in ms teams.  

You need only send invites for year 10 lessons 

Taking the REGISTER

The list of attendance should be sent to Nikki Hasling who will enter on Sims. The process to download the list only works while the team is live.

While in the lesson goto participants in teams

Click ...

Select Download participants report

This will downThis will download as a .CSV file and will be in your download folderload as a .CSV file and will be in your download folder. 

You cannot do this retrospectively. So please remember to do this 

LSA - using MS teams to support your students

All LSAs will be set up as subgroups in year 7.  This is your area that you can go to and set up meetings with your individual students.  Please be aware that these channels are open and anyone can accessed by all year group members.

If helpful I’ll set this up in other years