Self-Isolating students

This page gives advice for teachers about how to support our students who are self isolating

To support our students we should offer live lessons.  These can be done on MS teams.  MS teams is available on all PCs.  Below is a short video on how to record lessons and MS teams.  

Additionally, please upload all presentations that you have used onto firefly for students to work through in their own time

07/10 - We have 43 webcams and 4 vidualisers

How to book equipment ready for your live lesson

To support your live lesson you may want to check the audio for your room. If you need a webcam (which are also microphones)  these are available from your faculty and also resources.

All are plug and play - use them like you would a memory stick

How to install equipment ready for your live lesson

All equipment is plug and play - just plug it into any spare USB port and it will work straight away.  You don't need any software or support help (it's just like plugging in a memory stick)

Web cams - just plug them in to the USB point (like a memory stick) when you enter teams remember to click video on.

Visualisers - these work as webcams for teams - same process as above.

If you want to use the Visualiser on it's own, select type camera into MS windows and then click it and it works (see below) 

How to set up a live lesson for your student and record 

Quick process (video how to below)

  • Open teams
  • Navigate to your class
  • Hit meet now and join
  • Remember to share your screen and choose the app (if you share your desktop everything will be shared) 
  • Hit record (and remember to stop at the end)

Top Tip - I use the register to see when I need to do a live lesson. If there’s an x I record the lesson. I set up with the main board on shared so the students know they’re being recorded. Remember you’re doing your usual lesson, no need to be word perfect. Keep things real!

Please be aware you may need to restore your teams from archive - this only needs to be done once.  the video below shows how to locate and restore your current classes (I have already done this so am only using an old team for an example)

  •  In teams goto manage teams (the cog, top right)
  • Check your hidden teams list
  • Click to reveal the eye and unhide your class
  • To do more classes, remember to scroll to the bottom for archive as it puts you at the top again

If you log into TEAMs and it is showing someone else's account.  Navigate to the icon (top right) click it and then choose log out.  You can then login using your own MS office 365 details

Where to upload info on firefly for students

Where possible, upload pages to your own personal pages.  All departments have areas and teachers should have their own pages (please email if this is not the case)

If you start uploading work to Firefly for students by class, this will mean that all you have to do is send them a link. Or set the page as a class.

Another option is to create a page in your area and upload work there.  This will then enable you to set the page as a task directly to that student.  Or just email them the link.  

This  belts and braces approach, but makes sure that students don't miss out.

Live training session 07/10 - here is the presentation and live recording of the lesson