Welcome to your A Level Art & Design transition course at LPGS

You will be set tasks during the Summer term. Every 2 weeks you will be set different tasks which  aim to provide you with aspects of the type of work students do on this course. It is important that you complete all set tasks on your journey through this transition period, as evidence of your engagement with the subject, your commitment to learning and your suitability for this course.


Visit an exhibition ( this could be a virtual online exhibition or in person).

See the websites below for information on what exhibitions are on at the moment.






Choose one piece of artwork from that exhibition and create a response considering the following:

  • What is the message or meaning behind the artwork? How will you include this message or meaning in your response?
  • What were your first reactions to the artwork? What made you think or feel like that?
  • What colours does the artist use in the artwork? (think of colour theory) Will you include these colours in your response?
  • What techniques and processes will you use in your response? (such as painting, printmaking, sculpture)
  • Will you use one media or material or will you use mixed media in your response?
  • What is the surface like, what sort of textures are there in the artwork?
  • How is the artwork composed or put together? Is there lots of space around it or is there more happening in one corner or side of the artwork than the other side?
  • What materials has the artist made the artwork from? Are these traditional materials, found etc?
  • Is the artwork in 2D or 3D? How will this affect your response? Will you create a 2D or 3D response?

See the video below from Tate which shows people responding to an artwork using dance.


Make sure you email your response, to the exhibition you visited and artwork you are responding to.

Email - Ms Keeble at - ck@lpgs.bromley.sch.uk