Week 3-4 Research and Recording



The theme will be ‘Environment’




Task 1: Research (AO1).

Research what the word ‘environment’ means and create a mood board on 1-2 sides of A3 paper on this theme (if you are unable to use paper, then please create a digital mood board using PowerPoint or Adobe InDesign).

Use this link from UAL to help you: https://www.arts.ac.uk/partnerships/outreach/insights/how-to/techniques/how-to-techniques-mood-boards

Make sure that you include the following:

1.A definition of the word- You could start by looking it up in the dictionary.

2. Use primary (your own images) and secondary (images from magazines, internet) sources in the mood board. You could take a walk around your local environment and take photos, draw sketches etc of your local town, woods, considering both urban/city and country/landscape environments. You could use images from your home environment.

3. Key words that would describe types of environments such as; concrete, green, flora, nature etc.

4. Consider the presentation, making sure that it is engaging and interesting and clearly demonstrates what the word Environment means to you

5. Include the formal elements such as; line, textures, colours, patterns etc.

6. Research artists who use Environment as their theme or in their work (https://www.tate.org.uk/search?q=environment)

Task 2: Record

Using your mood board as a starting point, record from primary and secondary resources, the theme ‘environment’ This could be observational studies, photography, annotation. Present this on 1-2 sides of A3 paper (If you are unable to do this, then create a digital portfolio on PowerPoint or Adobe InDesign). You will use this work in next week’s task.

See the example of how your pages might look:

Include and consider the following:

  • Use a range of media and techniques (such as pencil, pen, charcoal, paint, collage, oil pastel, photography)
  • Annotate your work using labelling; what is the drawing of, which technique did you use, which media/materials etc.
  • Include original images where possible
  • If you recorded using 3D methods, include progress photos of the work
  • Consider presentation: make the pages interesting and engaging-show the viewer your skills in recording