Week 5-6 Research and Analysing

ASSESSMENT OBJECTIVE 1 – Investigate, Research and Analyse

Task 1: Investigate and Research an artist on the theme of ‘Environment’ (AO1)

Using the list of artists below, choose one to investigate and research. These artists all have the theme of ‘environment’ in their work. In weeks 7-10 you will be using this artist and respond to their work, so make sure you choose an artist whose work you find interesting!

Consider how you researched and recorded in weeks 3-4 to help you decide on the artist you will use. What elements of the theme ‘environment’ are you interested in? What did your mood board consist of? What did you record in your environment? Is there a particular type of media or material you like to work with or are interested in? What medium do you want to work in to create a piece of work (such as textiles, sculpture, painting, mixed media etc.) Which artist’s work stands out and is interesting to you?

  • Rachel Whiteread
  • Andy Goldsworth
  • David Nash
  • Robert Morris
  • Chris Jordan (consumeristic culture)
  • Agnes Denes (environmental art)
  • Edith Meusnier (textiles and environment)
  • Carey Young
  • Michael Landy
  • Vik Muniz
  • Tim Noble and Sue Webster
  • Khalil Chrishtee
  • Olufar Eliasson

Task 2: Analyse and artist’s work using Ways In.

At LPGS we analyse and artist’s work using Ways In. The four subheadings for these are:

  • Personal – what do I bring?
  • Subject – What is it about?
  • Context – Relating the work to the wider world.
  • Object - What can I see?

Look at the example analysis of Rachel Whiteread’s work attached and once you have chosen your artist from task one, you will now need to choose one of their artworks to analyse using the Ways in questions.

You could do this on the computer or handwritten.