Please complete the following questions honestly. This will enable us to provide you with the support you need and will help us to plan the next few weeks of activities effectively. 
Thank you.

Who are you?

What is your name? *
Which school are you currently at? *
What is your target grade for Science?
What is your target grade for English?
What is your target grade for Maths?
Are you interested in the Diploma (worth 2 A levels) or the Extended Certificate (worth 1 A level)? *
What other subject/s are you completing alongside your Applied Science program?

In the future...

What are you hoping to pursue after 6th form?
Do you have a future career in mind? If so, please type it here. (You can type more than one).
Have you completed any work experience in your field of interest? If so, tell me about it.

You and Science!

These next few questions ask you about your confidence in Science. Please be honest, this will enable me to plan the next week's activities more effectively.

How confident are you with your GCSE BIOLOGY knowledge? *
How confident are you with your GCSE CHEMISTRY knowledge? *
How confident are you with your GCSE PHYSICS knowledge? *
How confident are you with your PRACTICAL SCIENCE SKILLS? e.g. drawing graphs, measuring quantities, handling equipment. *


Do you have access to a laptop or computer at home? *
Do you have access to the internet at home?
Do you have access to Microsoft Word? *
Do you have access to Microsoft Excel?

A bit about you...

Tell us a bit about yourself so we can get to know you as a person. E.g; What are your likes/dislikes, hobbies, pets, favourite sports teams, places you've travelled, etc.
Can you think of anything you are particularly excited about when you think of starting 6th Form here at Langley?
Is there anything you're nervous/worried about?

Thank you for your time. 

Don't forget to click the SUBMIT below before you go.

Please leave the next box blank or your submission will not be accepted: