Dear Chemistry Students,

Well done for coming to the end of the Chemistry transition program. Below is your final activity: the end of course quiz.

Once you have completed this activity, I will mark it and issue you with a certificate of completion for the course. There are three levels of success: Gold (completed all activities to a high level), Silver (completed most activities to a good level) and Bronze (completed some activities).

You can use your certificate when you enrol on the A level course on results day as proof of your success and engagement with this transition course!

I hope you have enjoyed the course: please feel free to send me any feedback via e mail at

And one last plea, if you have not already done so (and many of you haven't!) please just take a couple of minutes to click on the link and complete the welcome form.

Finally it just remains for me to say thank you once again for your hard work, and I really look forward to meeting you all in September at LPGS! Have a lovely Summer!

Miss Parry