Task 10

Networking and Java

For this is your final task for the transition work. The first part I'd like you to do is the final GCSE to A-Level transition topic on Isaac Computer Science which is networks. This is all about how data is passed from computer to computer and the hardware involved in doing that, typically one of the topics GCSE students find a little more challenging so will be good to recap this as a lot of it comes up again at A-Level.

Part 1 - Login

Please log back in to the Isaac Computing website with your login.

Part 2 - Theory

Work your way through the theory material on this page below:

GCSE Networking — Isaac Computer Science

That is from "LAN and WAN " to "Network Vulnerabilities"


Part 3 - Questions

Please complete the assignment (questions) that have been set on the Isaac Computer Science website under your login - GCSE Networking (OCR).

Part 4 - JAVA Object Orientated Programming

In GCSE Computer Science you only need to know about writing programs using procedures, however at A-Level you also need to know about Object Orientated programming. The next Sololearning topic is about this - Classes and objects. This is a slightly different way of approaching programming with the idea being it's more like real world objects. This is a longer unit but see if you can get through the 14 lessons for this.

Part 5 - Optional

I hope you've enjoyed learning or recapping these topics and that you've picked up some new useful skills. If you've got through all these and you want to finish the JAVA course then do the "More on classes" and "Exceptions, Lists, Threads and Files" units and you can get a certificate!

If you think of any other questions you have about A-Level computer science and aby of the work you've been doing then please let me know - pbr@lpgs.bromley.sch.uk