Task 7

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Programming Part 2

For this task you are going to be continuing some Java programming and looking at some fundamentals for any programming language - conditional statements and loops. You need to have finished all the tasks from the previous lesson before it will let you move on to these.

Part 1 - Login to Sololearn

Go to the Sololearn site and log back in.

Part 2 - Work through the next lesson - "Conditions and Loops"

There are again 8 units and several quizzes and challenges along the way. Make sure you have a go at all of them. Let me know if you have any questions or problems - pbr@lpgs.bromley.sch.uk

Part 3 - Extension

Write a program that will give the students the answer to logic gate questions. Again, can be any language, Pseudocode or flowchart.

For example:

Enter logic gate : OR
Enter first input : 1
Enter second input : 0
Result = 1
It should work for the logic gates OR, AND, and NOT

Email back to PBR@lpgs.bromley.sch.uk