Transition Activities

Alongside these tasks, please keep up with your wider reading and post on the wider reading forum; complete the 'Making the Leap' tasks found in the English Literature Information tab.

Week 1: Introduction to drama

Lesson 1

Please complete the activities on page 11 'Watch a Play Online' from the 'Making the Leap' activities and resources pack.

Lesson 2

Login below:

Digital Theatre +

Username: user.langleypark

Password: pack@4943

Week 2: Introduction to prose

Week 3: Introduction to poetry

Lesson 1

Lesson 2

Read the poem Death Makes Dead Metaphor Revive by Denise Riley. Without annotating the poem, do some free writing on the poem for 20 minutes. Then read the article on form. Return to your free writing and continue to write based on any new ideas about poetry you have learnt.

Extra activities  

Login to: English & Media Centre | emagazine ( username: LPGS18 password: english

Make sure you are clicking on the 'emagazine' button rather than an account login. It should look like below.