French Forum

Bonjour new French A Level students! We are excited to welcome you to our course.

I have invited the current Year 12 students to be part of the forum below so you can ask them questions and get their top tips for learning A Level French. We will also discuss films, songs, TV shows and current affairs below or you can start your own discussion thread.

Image result for french flag

 A bientôt! Madame Galbert

Thread Replies Last reply
Miss S Galbert
9 29/06/2023 at 11:55
Miss S Galbert
3 29/06/2023 at 11:47
Miss S Galbert
4 29/06/2023 at 11:44
Miss S Galbert
3 29/06/2023 at 11:40
Lucie Clerge Boa
0 27/06/2023 at 10:44
Miss S Galbert
0 14/04/2020 at 17:35
  1. Pourquoi parle-t-on de la traite des Noirs ?
    1 jour, 1 question propose de répondre chaque jour à une question en une minute et trente secondes.

    Posted by Miss S Galbert, 14/04/2020 at 17:35

    1. op 100 Chansons Françaises les plus écoutées en 2019

      Listen to the top 100 songs of 2019.
      Do you think French music is diverse?
      What cultural influences do you think French music has?

      Posted by Miss S Galbert, 28/06/2022 at 11:09

      1. French music has lots of cultural influences from Francophone countries. For example, music such as rai for Algeria or Kompa from Haiti has affected French music, creating a rich and diverse music culture.

        Posted by Mia Henderson, 29/06/2023 at 11:29

        1. Merci Mia. C'est intéressant

          Posted by Miss S Galbert, 29/06/2023 at 11:31

        2. I believe that French music is rich and diverse with different genres of music that are known worldwide. For example, Zouk is a musical movement pioneered by the French Antillean band 'Kassav' in the early 1980s. It was originally characterized by a fast tempo, a percussion-driven rhythm and a loud horn section. However, compared to the original Zouk, Zouk love is slower and more dramatic. The dance takes its slow and smooth rhythm from the cadence. The following are Antillean artist that I listen to on a regular basis: Stony, Kim, Princess lover ,N'jie, Jocelyne Labylle, Zouk Machine.

          Posted by Lucie Clerge Boa, 29/06/2023 at 11:42

          1. C'est très intéressant Lucie. J'adore le Zouk, surtout Kassav.

            Posted by Miss S Galbert, 29/06/2023 at 11:44

        3. Posted by Miss S Galbert, 28/06/2022 at 11:17

          1. C’est une place autour de centre-ville qui remont a moyen age (middle ages). Une place d’histoire/ de le passe. Il avait une mauvaise reputation au 19 siecle (19th century). Ce qui est bien est que il y a beaucoup de logements et l'territoire est connu pour les gens qui se revoltent contre la pauvrete, la racisme et le mepris. Pour cette raison, le place peut etre percu comme vraiment creative dans son apparence.

            Posted by Lillian Terletska, 14/08/2022 at 20:25

            1. The original meaning of une banlieue is a suburb, or a residential area outside the city. However, this word has developed rough connotations and negative stereotypes, despite the fact that banlieues are often positive communities of people.

              Posted by Mia Henderson, 29/06/2023 at 11:34

              1. Le film La Haine, étudié en année 12 et 13, est une étude sociologique de la banlieue Parisienne.

                Posted by Miss S Galbert, 29/06/2023 at 11:47

            2. Top tips for A level French

              Posted by Miss S Galbert, 28/06/2022 at 11:18

              1. Salut! My top tips for French A level would probably be to learn the vocabulary before every lesson and continuously refresh your memory after that, as it will form the foundation of the course. As well as this, ensure you complete your FLA Assistant, Isabelle's, questions to a high standard because not only do they help you to apply the vocabulary and ideas you have discussed in lesson, to give you a greater understanding, they also make up for a large portion of your speaking exam.

                Posted by DB:Cloud:DB:SIMSstu:35310, 11/07/2022 at 09:15

                1. coucou, remember to prepare your speaking answers and perfect them with Isabelle, it's super difficult to come up with answers on the spot xx

                  Posted by Olivia Fraser, 27/06/2023 at 10:34

                  1. Isabelle is the French Language Assistant and supports students weekly with their speaking.

                    Posted by Miss S Galbert, 29/06/2023 at 11:33

                  2. Bonjour! I would recommend that you revise as you go throughout both year 12 and year 13, so by the time your final exams come, you will have revision materials ready and be more familiar with the content. Also, if you have any French speaking friends or family, use them to your advantage and practice some general conversation with them. Bonne chance :)

                    Posted by Mia Henderson, 27/06/2023 at 10:37

                    1. Hello, my top tip is to revise regularly and practice as much as possible. Try to learn key structures and language but don't overload yourselves with work and go to FLA sessions

                      Posted by Mathilde Bastide, 29/06/2023 at 11:28

                      1. How do you practice Mathilde?

                        Posted by Miss S Galbert, 29/06/2023 at 11:32

                        1. Speaking: I usually make flashcards for each topic with summarised bullet points of my answers on the other side. That way, I can test myself

                          Listening practice: past papers and podcasts and helpful but usually comes with time

                          Reading: Wider reading on the topics we cover, reading French news

                          Writing (No et moi)-read the book, mind maps, past papers, learn key structures

                          Posted by Mathilde Bastide, 29/06/2023 at 11:47

                          1. Merci. C'est très clair.

                            Posted by Miss S Galbert, 29/06/2023 at 11:55

                      2. Salut!make sure that you read over your notes frequently so that you are constantly practising. I recommend to speak out loud when you try to revise your notes that's what works best for me. Au revoir!

                        Posted by Lucie Clerge Boa, 29/06/2023 at 11:46

                      3. La fête de la musique:

                        The festival is one of France's favourites and it really is popular. To get an idea of the scale of the event, government figures say 10 million people have been taking to the streets in recent years.


                        Posted by Miss S Galbert, 28/06/2022 at 11:18

                        1. The Fête de la musique was first celebrated on the 21st of June 1982, in Paris, and was created by Jack Lang the french Minister of Culture at the time. It is now celebrated in 120 countries and 700 cities around the world, including Greece, Russia, Mexico and the UK, etc.

                          Posted by DB:Cloud:DB:SIMSstu:36418, 11/07/2022 at 09:25

                          1. La fête de la musique est un festival qui a lieu 21 juin, c'est vraiment important en France et d'habitude il y a des concerts dans toutes les villes où à la radio (pour toute la journée et toute la nuit). C'est un fête internationale célébrée dans plus de 120 pays.

                            Posted by DB:Cloud:DB:SIMSstu:43779, 11/07/2022 at 09:35

                            1. La Fete de la Musique is a festival which takes place on the 21st of June every year, as this is the summer solstice, or the longest day of the year. To celebrate the festival, people are encouraged to play instruments or sing outside, and celebrate the joys of music making.

                              Posted by Mia Henderson, 29/06/2023 at 11:40

                            2. Salut! Make sure that you read over your notes frequently so that you are constantly practicing. I recommend to speak out loud when you try to revise your notes that's what works best for me. Au revoir!

                              Posted by Lucie Clerge Boa, 27/06/2023 at 10:44