7 - Projekt - Was ist typisch Deutsch? - Teil 2

Projekt: Was ist 'Typisch Deutsch'? - Teil 2

29 deutsche Klischees und wahre Eigenschaften

Read through the 29 'typically German' things listed in this article:


Make a list and add a short definition for each. For example:

Mülltrennung - Die Deutschen trennen Glas, Plastik, Papier und normalen Müll.

Choose three examples you found particularly surprising and write about them in the forum (in German): lpgs.fireflycloud.net/y11---y12-transition-hub/german/german-forum?&#

Extension task

Read through this article on BPB (Bundeszentrale für Politische Bildung):


Make a list of words that describe characteristics (adjectives and nouns) and translate them. For example:

gut organisiert - well organised

die Geselligkeit - conviviality/sociableness

Then rank them according to how you would describe Germans.