Maths Forum

This is a forum for you to get to know other students on the course, discuss any of the Tasks or ask questions that you may have about the course. If you are struggling with any of the tasks, there is some video feedback below that you may find helpful.

Thread Replies Last reply
Eva Johnson
0 17/08/2022 at 14:58
Maryam Elkhanboubi
1 17/08/2022 at 14:57
  1. Hi! When I was doing Task 7, I found it so fasinating as it gave me a new perspective of how quadratic formulas can be manipulated and factorised in different ways as well as seeing the relationship between different units, x's and x^2's.

    Posted by Maryam Elkhanboubi, 18/07/2022 at 17:53

    1. Same! :)

      Posted by Eva Johnson, 17/08/2022 at 14:57

    2. What did people understand of how task 6 can be connected to factorisation? :)

      Posted by Eva Johnson, 17/08/2022 at 14:58