‘Is the study of religion important in contemporary British society?'

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Thread Replies Last reply
Rasika Elangeswaran
0 04/09/2022 at 22:08
Subanuyaa Raventheran
0 03/09/2022 at 20:50
Kayla Farquharson
0 01/09/2022 at 16:25
Sophia Leonida
0 30/08/2022 at 16:02
Mia Henderson
0 22/08/2022 at 18:52
Juanita Ikediashi
0 14/07/2022 at 10:57
Jahzarah Mason
0 13/07/2022 at 17:23
1 05/07/2022 at 17:33
0 02/07/2021 at 11:46
0 01/07/2021 at 12:25
0 30/06/2021 at 21:01
1 30/06/2021 at 08:55

    Posted by DB:Cloud:DB:SIMSemp:17267, 27/04/2021 at 16:16

    1. Religion is necessary to study in modern Britain since the society we live in is diverse and mixed. There will be a lot of bias and disinformation if people don't know or comprehend the differences between religions and what they believe in. Being taught just provides the knowledge required to avoid certain assumptions about how religions are perceived.

      Posted by karine.agbodji22@gmail.com, 30/06/2021 at 08:55

    2. In many defences it could be argued that the study of religion is in fact important in contemporary British society as it helps people gain a deeper understanding of life. For example, religion influences many concepts such as history, culture, art and politics, as they all have religious components to them, and religious ideologies derives from the bible. Also, by studying religion it helps answer basic day to day questions and provide pathways of thinking about ultimate questions. It would help people re define themselves today and get a better understanding of life, what it is and their purpose in it. More so, the study of religion will bring around a new sense of knowledge and wisdom. People will be able to learn new things about the past to help define their future in bright ways.
      However, some negative exposures of the study of religion is that it can be manipulated into wrong doings and easily miss understood. This would lead to many global issues as it could highlight danger and violence amongst people in a contemporary British society instead of highlighting peace, community, and love you should “love your neighbor as yourself.” Enhance positivity instead of negativity. Overall, I believe that the study of religion is important in a contemporary British society as it helps individuals discover and answer philosophical questions and shape their future whilst maintaining peace and a community

      Posted by DB:Cloud:DB:SIMSstu:35936, 30/06/2021 at 21:01

      1. It could be argued that the study is important in the contemporary British society as it teaches you to have a deeper understanding of people that follow those religions or just a deeper understanding of people in general. Religion gives you different opinions and could also lead to different cultures, like Buddhism and Hinduism. It also teaches you to a more respectful person and understanding to others cultures and opinions.

        Posted by DB:Cloud:DB:SIMSstu:35661, 01/07/2021 at 12:25

        1. Another argument for the statement ‘is the study of religion important in contemporary British society’, is that everyone should study others’ beliefs so that they can respect others and understand their religious views and opinions. The study is important as everyone should be respectful to others in order to be respected by others. Mark 12:31 ‘Love your neighbour as yourself’.

          Posted by DB:Cloud:DB:SIMSstu:35734, 02/07/2021 at 11:46

          1. Is the study of religion important in contemporary British society?

            Some would believe that religion is important in contemporary British society as it gives people an outlet to gage a deeper meaning of life and give them some sort of direction or path. It allows them to communicate with God and give them guidance through life. They can also meet new people with the same ideologies as them and widen their circle. It allows people to have a sense of originality and uniqueness.
            However, some people would disagree with this statement as sometimes religion creates unneeded conflict between people due to contrasting beliefs. Sometimes this conflict can lead to wars and attacks all fuelled by religion. If the study of religion wasn’t as important and relevant in contemporary British society, then maybe there would be less divide and violence between people and countries.

            Posted by DB:Cloud:DB:SIMSstu:35532, 10/08/2021 at 16:06

            1. Some people would argue that in contemporary british society, the study of religion isn't important due to the fact that there are many lifestyles that have emerged within today's british society that contradict what some people would religiously value having studied a particular religion, such as the increased prevalence of people within the LGBTQ+ community. This increase suggests the importance of the study of religion in contemporary british societies, is declining, as if it was of high importance, there'd be more stigma to disallow people from living openly as part of the LGBTQ+ community.
              On the other hand, some people would instead argue the study of religion is important in contemporary british society because for many individuals, studying a religion, provides them with a sense of reasoning as to why they exist and how they should live their lives on earth; most commonly by dedicating their lifestyle to the desires of God/Gods.

              Posted by Juanita Ikediashi, 05/07/2022 at 17:33

            2. I would argue that the study of religion is still important in contemporary British Society. As Britain is very diverse, in terms of religion and beliefs, it is important to understand and learn about different religions and beliefs to avoid ignorance and prejudice. For example, certain religions have oftentimes been portrayed by the media in a way that makes it seem as though they promote violence and evil, however this is not the case. Without the study of religion people will continue to have these ignorant and harmful thoughts on certain religions and beliefs based on what the media has told them. Furthermore, the study of religion also helps people to understand one another better and from there show more humility and empathy towards one another.

              Posted by Jahzarah Mason, 13/07/2022 at 17:23

              1. Some people would argue that in contemporary british society, the study of religion isn't important due to the fact that there are many lifestyles that have emerged within today's british society that contradict what some people would religiously value having studied a particular religion, such as the increased prevalence of people within the LGBTQ+ community. This increase suggests the importance of the study of religion in contemporary british societies, is declining, as if it was of high importance, there'd be more stigma to disallow people from living openly as part of the LGBTQ+ community.
                On the other hand, some people would instead argue the study of religion is important in contemporary british society because for many individuals, studying a religion, provides them with a sense of reasoning as to why they exist and how they should live their lives on earth; most commonly by dedicating their lifestyle to the desires of God/Gods.

                Posted by Juanita Ikediashi, 14/07/2022 at 10:57

                1. Some may argue that the study of religion is important in contemporary British society. This is because people of many different backgrounds and religions now live in Britain and knowledge of how religion affects people's daily lives is now more important than ever, in order to truly understand why people choose to dedicate their lives to their beliefs. Furthermore, the study of religions helps dismantle stigma and harmful stereotypes surrounding them, which helps create a safer and more respectful environment for everyone.

                  Posted by Mia Henderson, 22/08/2022 at 18:52

                  1. Some may argue that the study of religion, amongst both theists and atheists, is both relevent in todays contemporary society and revolatory. Studying religion allows people to develop and deepen their understandings of other religions and faiths, which in the contemporary british society that we live in today especially, is incredibly important, due to the immense diversity that surrounds people.

                    Posted by Sophia Leonida, 30/08/2022 at 16:02

                    1. The study of religion is important in contemporary British society as it gives an understanding to British society and the world. The world has a percentage of about 85% of the population being religious and over 50% in the UK. This shows that it is important as religion is present in society, having no knowledge may lead to misconceptions and prejudice, possibly based on incorrect knowledge or assumptions.
                      On the other hand, the study of religion may not be important as laws do not coincide with some religious laws or beliefs. For example, adultery in religions such as Christianity are considered to be wrong whereas it is not illegal to commit adultery. This may possibly lead to thoughts that lacking in the knowledge of religion isn’t a problem as there will be no repercussions in British society and people such as atheists may argue that it is unnecessary to learn about religion.

                      Posted by Kayla Farquharson, 01/09/2022 at 16:25

                      1. Is the study of religion important in contemporary British society?

                        On the one hand, studying religion could be considered as enlightening because during modern day society, religion is often depicted as corrupt and violence-ensuing. Studying religion challenges this viewpoint and only those with open minds would be willing to understand how religion fits into the world and plays its role.

                        On the other hand, studying religion can cause confusion and conflict, especially with people who have fixed mindsets. Therefore, when the topic of religion is brought into a discussion, everyone should be respectful as well as willing to listen and engage mindfully. Doing this can also build an excellent skill set in approaching other debates calmly as well as day-to-day problems.

                        Overall, the study of religion will always be important because religion has shaped our views in different ways, and it is always important to have the skills to approach everything with different perspectives.

                        Posted by Subanuyaa Raventheran, 03/09/2022 at 20:50

                        1. " Is the study of religion important in contemporary British society?"

                          Some may argue, yes, it is, because the study of religion opens people up to various interpretations and ideas so they can, not only accept other people and their beliefs, but also understand other people and their beliefs. Furthermore, the study of religion does not exclude anyone's beliefs or ideas. Whether one is agnostic, theist or atheist their views are all taught in the study of religion which is particularly important in contemporary British society to promote inclusivity, open - mindedness and embrace. Additionally, the spread of religious education can reduce the negative impact of racism, sacrilege and other forms of discrimination which, unfortunately, do exist in contemporary British society.

                          However, others may say that, no it is not important as there are many contradicting beliefs and lifestyles present in contemporary British society that are not harmonious to religious ideas. One example could be the idea of God and destiny which contradicts science. Not only that, but many would feel that it is not necessary as religion would not cause a significant impact in their lives.

                          Posted by Rasika Elangeswaran, 04/09/2022 at 22:08