Case study- Stephen Lawrence: Justice for A Murdered Son.

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Thread Replies Last reply
Rasika Elangeswaran
0 04/09/2022 at 22:40
Subanuyaa Raventheran
0 04/09/2022 at 01:21
Jahzarah Mason
0 03/09/2022 at 23:58
Mia Henderson
0 02/09/2022 at 15:08
0 05/09/2021 at 20:42
0 27/04/2021 at 16:20

    Posted by DB:Cloud:DB:SIMSemp:17267, 27/04/2021 at 16:20

    1. Week4:The stephen Lawrence case displays how much race effects our daily lives, the fact that it took that long for the ambulance and police to come, just shows how different poc's are treated. The thing that is disturbing about this case is how there was no treatment when they arrived at the scene. I believe that this shows how little black peoples life is deemed as. The most upsetting fact about this case was that it took eighteen years to to find 2/6 of the killers shows that there was no actual justice for the 18 year old, his life was just about to start.

      This case just makes me feel deeply disturbed and sad as i know if he was black the situation would be very different and he could've been alive today. I also feel very sad for the family as they haven't gotten the justice that they truly deserve. This made realise how society still treats black people and that racism is in systems that are supposed to protect us. I feel like people should be educated that racism is still very much alive and it's all around us and it's not just enough that black people aren't enslaved anymore, it's in the systems and it needs to be unlearned.

      Posted by DB:Cloud:DB:SIMSstu:35661, 05/09/2021 at 20:42

      1. I feel deeply disappointed in the UK's police organisation, due to their inability to act swiftly and efficiently to solve the case. It's very concerning that justice was not reached until years after the crime was committed, and that citizens of the UK, especially members of minority groups, probably find it difficult to put their faith into today's police force. Everyone has a role in society to combat racism, and this can be done in many ways such as spreading information from legitimate sources and attending peaceful protests.

        Posted by Mia Henderson, 02/09/2022 at 15:08

        1. After watching the documentary about the case of Stephen Lawrence, I feel incredibly disheartened by the events that took place and the aftermath. I think that it is very disappointing that the police took so long to solve the case, when perhaps it may have been done faster if they pushed their biases aside. Additionally, I feel extremely sad for his family as well as his friend who bore witness to the entire thing and tried to bring his friend justice but was treated like a criminal.

          I have learnt that although that has been progress in the way that racism is combated, as a society, we are a long way from combating racism efficiently and an even longer way from eradicating racism completely.

          I think that everyone has a role in combating racism and the primary way they can do this is by firstly educating themselves on what racism truly is and reflecting on their own behaviours and views and then from there, attempting to help teach others the same thing as well as the negative consequences of racism in society and the world in it’s entirety.

          Posted by Jahzarah Mason, 03/09/2022 at 23:58

          1. I feel extremely frustrated at the outcomes of Stephen Lawrence's case, because there were so many chances the Metropolitan police had to do their job and serve justice to Stephen Lawrence when he was barely alive and after, but they were wasted.

            I have learnt that prejudice and discrimination lead to incompetence, conflict and the waste of perfectly good opportunities at serving justice as well as creating peace. Therefore, I believe that my role within my community is to reduce the normalised discrimination and stigma towards all races and ethnicities. For example, questioning stereotypes and challenging fixed mindsets on the reasoning behind their beliefs.

            Posted by Subanuyaa Raventheran, 04/09/2022 at 01:21

            1. Week 4:

              After watching these short documentary clips about the case of Stephen Lawrence, I feel disheartened, and I have lost faith in the wider community. Moreover, I feel sympathy towards those who have lost Stephen to the horrific events committed by uneducated, ignorant people. As well as that, I feel angry that some members of society take part and exercise racism and other forms of discrimination to an extent where lives and family members are lost.

              I have learnt that there are those who embrace diversity and there are those who choose to fight it. Those who choose to fight it must acknowledge that racism and other forms of discrimination hurt people.

              My role within my community is to break these normalised racist remarks and microaggressions especially as a person of colour and help people to acknowledge that the colour of our skin should not stimulate prejudice and racism.

              Posted by Rasika Elangeswaran, 04/09/2022 at 22:40