What is your response to the quote 'My disability is my superpower'?

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Rasika Elangeswaran
0 04/09/2022 at 22:51
Jahzarah Mason
0 04/09/2022 at 09:31
Subanuyaa Raventheran
0 04/09/2022 at 00:14
Sophia Leonida
0 30/08/2022 at 17:04
0 05/09/2021 at 22:21
0 10/07/2021 at 18:01
0 27/04/2021 at 16:21

    Posted by DB:Cloud:DB:SIMSemp:17267, 27/04/2021 at 16:21

    1. The disability discrimination law is a law that ensures that people with disabilities are able to work and remain employed which is essential as many work places often do not meet the needs of disabled employees, these necessary adjustments may be as simple as installing ramps upon staircases to ensure their disabled employees may easily access their work station for example their desk.
      Jesus is shown in the bible many times to go out of his way to help the disabled and show compassion, for example it is said in the gospel of Matthew that Jesus healed two blind men, these miracles show that Jesus wishes for kindness to be shown toward the disabled and if possible, aid to be given. Although an average person would not be able to simply heal someone – the message the bible portrays of Jesus’ kindness shows that Jesus wishes for love to be shown to all, whether they are of able body or not is irrelevant to him.
      Positive discrimination (which is prohibited under the Equality Act of 2010 in the UK) can be used to help disabled people find work, many disabled people find it very hard to find work as their disability may make it difficult for them and therefore I believe jobs where their disability is inconsequential should practice positive discrimination towards these people to make up for their lack of opportunities in employment.

      “My disability is my superpower” – response

      The optimism shown in this quote outlines the attitudes of many athletes in the Rio Paralympic Games, it is clear that these people have not let their disabilities affect them and use them as a means for positivity and motivation this turning them into successful athletics that can compete in the Paralympics.

      Posted by frankgillen@hotmail.com, 10/07/2021 at 18:01

      1. The disability act (1992) is a law that makes it illegal for anyone to discriminate against a person with a disability, whether it's in it employment or making everyday things more accessible.For example:wheelchair ramps, or parking spots for people with disabilities.

        As a christian is supposed to follow Jesus's teachings there are many examples as to when Jesus has healed people with disabilities and treated them like any other person.An an example of this is in mark1:40-45 when a man with leprosy begs to be healed and Jesus reaches his hand out and heals him.

        Positive discrimination is good for when people with disabilities can be hired for a job as they meet the quota for protected charcteristics in the equality act(2010)

        The quote my disability is my superpower is a very inspirational quote, the person that has these difficulties is showing that is not a flaw but it's something that they can find power in.

        Posted by DB:Cloud:DB:SIMSstu:35661, 05/09/2021 at 22:21

        1. The quote, 'My disability is my supepower' is an interesting one, it gives the impression that those with a disability benefit from it instead of disadvantage from it. This ,I believe, is true because most of the time, those with a disability use it to their advantage. For example, someone with a hearing disability, will use sign language as a differen form of communiation, a skill that others dont usually have

          Posted by Sophia Leonida, 30/08/2022 at 17:04

          1. 'My disability is my superpower'?

            Personally, I think this quote is inspiring because it shows the power, the strength of a positive outlook on life and most of all, it contrasts the stigma surrounding the disabled community. The impact of this quote can be tremendous (as is shown in the clip) creating a sense of empowerment, which is always an amazing thing.

            Posted by Subanuyaa Raventheran, 04/09/2022 at 00:14

            1. Task 1

              1)The law tries to protect people with disabilities by creating legislations and environments that make it a priority that those with disabilities are treated equally in every way. For example, disabled people have rights that protect them from discrimination when in education, dealing with the police, and in employment (as stated in the government UK website). As well as this the Equality Act states that disabled people should be treated equally by everyone and emphasises the importance of disabled people having access to all places.

              2)A Christian attitude towards disabled people should be a Christian attitude towards how they treat other people, with love, humility and kindness. In the Bible it states ‘love thy neighbour’ this means that kindness should be show by Christians to everyone around them including those of the disabled community. Furthermore, in the Bible it states ‘Do not curse the deaf or put a stumbling block in front of the blind’, which reiterates the importance of Christians showing humility and kindness to those with disabilities. Also, throughout the Bible, Jesus often shows great amount of care towards those with disabilities so based on that and the formers, Christians should do the same.

              3)Positive discrimination may be used to benefit disabled individuals by giving them opportunities (for example in a work environment) that they previously may not have gotten so that the number of disabled individuals in places where there have not been a lot, can grow.

              Task 2

              My response to the quote ‘my disability is my superpower’ is a feeling of joy. I think it is very beautiful and inspiring that those with disabilities can instead of treating it as something negative, embrace it and treat it instead as something positive and something that makes them different to other people in a good way.

              Posted by Jahzarah Mason, 04/09/2022 at 09:31

              1. Task 1:

                1) Those with disabilities have certain rights provided by the law which aids them to live a lifestyle suitable for them e.g. the right to reasonable adjustments.

                2) A Christian should help those with disabilities from the example of Jesus. Jesus helped disabled people from his time by healing them. For example, he healed a paralyzed man who was lying in one place for 38 years. In Psalm 72:13, it says "he will take pity on the weak and the needy and save the needy from death". However, a Christian does not have a healing power from God and so must help disabled people by doing other things.

                3) Positive discrimination can be used to benefit disabled individuals by allowing them certain opportunities, privileges and lifestyles to aid them.

                Task 2: " My disability is my superpower"

                This statement shows that those with disabilities should not view it as a hindrance, but rather a gift as disabled people are much stronger and more powerful than those without disabilities because they learn to adjust to society and some of their ignorant views.

                Posted by Rasika Elangeswaran, 04/09/2022 at 22:51