
Welcome to Photography

Description of Course

We offer a Photography A-Level, 2 Year course which includes both traditional analogue Photographic techniques with more contemporary digital techniques, and leads to the full A-Level qualification.

You undertake an in depth study of: traditional analogue Photographic techniques such as, Lumen Printing, Cliché Verre, Pin-hole, Cyanotype etc, combined with digital processes using software such as Photoshop, Lightroom and Nik Software. You learn how to use and manipulate both DSLR cameras and traditional SLR 35mm and medium format cameras, alongside new mobile apps and mobile technologies. You are encouraged to analyse how images are made and for what purposes they are made. Development of critical awareness is central to the course, and visits are made to galleries and exhibitions to broaden your knowledge of contemporary Photography and Art as well as that from the past and from other cultures. You keep a sketch book/journal throughout the course.

This course is taught by :

Ms Fennessy (Visual Arts teacher)

Ms Crowe (Visual Arts teacher)