Politics Forum

Use this page to post share any useful resources or relevant news stories relating to politics. Everything is relevant: UK, US, or global politics.

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0 24/08/2023 at 16:36
0 08/08/2021 at 17:43
0 14/07/2021 at 09:09
1 14/06/2020 at 11:44
1 07/06/2020 at 15:32
0 27/04/2020 at 11:24
  1. Welcome to all of you. Returning students who intend to study Politics at Langley - excellent news. I'm so happy that the course and I have persuaded you; New students who intend to study politics at Langley - hello and it's wonderful to 'meet' you. Well done for choosing one of the highest performing schools in the entire borough; and even those who perhaps are bored or who intend to study elsewhere and would like something relevant to do to adequately prepare for A-Level politics - I won't judge you! The more the merrier. Politics is genuinely the most important topic people should be focused on. None of you will regret choosing it as it will make you a better, more capable voter. If it was up to me then I would make the study of Politics compulsory. Though then we might lose the passion. Like being forced to play the piano! Dark times, I can just about laugh about it now! At any rate, the more young people we can energise and embed within the political system, the more the world will be shaped to focus on your needs and interests as well as everyone else's. Free tuition fees at university? If young people vote in as high a number as other age groups, then parties will be falling over themselves to cater for you.

    The tasks cover the basics of UK Politics which is what you will study in your first year at Langley. Over at the boys' school I'm sure they have been as busy as I have creating fun and relevant activities for you to do to fully prepare. However, if you would like to follow our tasks too then be my guest. We study the same exam board so all work will be relevant. Please let me know if you have any questions about the course. Hope everyone is well and had a nice Easter.

    Mr Fowle

    P.S. My email address is: JAF@lpgs.bromley.sch.uk

    Posted by DB:Cloud:DB:SIMSemp:36016, 27/04/2020 at 11:24

    1. Civil Rights weekly task. Please leave a comment about the articles.

      Posted by DB:Cloud:DB:SIMSemp:36016, 07/06/2020 at 15:16

      1. I will go first. Personally, I have been shocked and disgusted by some of the footage and articles that have come out in recent days. Will Smith's quote about how racism hasn't increased, just the filming of it has means that I have been naïve in my understanding of the issues many black people face on a daily basis. It has led to a lot of introspection and hopefully made me far more aware of how I live my life. One of my best friends who happens to be black has shared some stories that before now I probably wouldn't have believed. Maybe I didn't want to. However, I do believe that this is an opportunity for the world, not just in the United States, but for people everywhere to come together and tackle racism head on not by paying lip-service but by actually dismantling racist systems that keep black people in a perpetual under-class.

        Over to you all now.

        Posted by DB:Cloud:DB:SIMSemp:36016, 07/06/2020 at 15:32

      2. week 8- Civil Rights
        One thing that concerned me in one of the Articles is how Donald Trumps Presidency, there has been less media coverage on the Black Lives Matter movement. The statistics of African Americans killed by police and the number of victims that were unarmed clearly shows how the american justice system is broken. The articles also displayed how laws in the US need to be altered if they are allowing police brutality to be legal in many cases. The prosecutors being 'reluctant' to charge police also needs to stop, no matter how close they are working together. The widespread protests show how tired and angry people are about this huge problem in society, it is also scary how police are still being brutal to people protesting against police brutality- for example the use of tear gas and rubber bullets on people who are not being violent. Its also concerning how in 2020 so many white Americans are unbothered about the vulnerability of African Americans to the Corona virus.
        Even though throughout the years poverty levels among African Americans have dropped, its still nearly triple the level experienced by white people, indicating how far we have still got to go to reach equality. Barack Obama's speech was also very helpful to help people make a change, he made a very valid point about how people cant just protest or be political, that they must do both to make a real change.

        Posted by DB:Cloud:DB:SIMSstu:33554, 09/06/2020 at 13:03

        1. Thank you for writing this Maisie. I 100% agree with you. The system is clearly broken and the implications of prosecutors being reluctant to go after dodgy police really concerns me. Let's hope the rot hasn't set in too deep and there is scope for change and that many take Obama's advice about voting and participating in making the change.

          Posted by DB:Cloud:DB:SIMSemp:36016, 14/06/2020 at 11:44

        2. Welcome everyone to your very first taste of A-Level Politics. It is a fascinating course that is never standing still. World and domestic events have a material effect on the politics of our country on a seemingly daily basis. For example, Boris Johnson was not expecting to have to deal with a global pandemic when he took power in December 2019. His domestic agenda stalled and his popularity plummeted. If you are interested in equality, rights, fairness, and opinions then this is the ideal course for you. You don't have to be loud. You don't have to know everything. We just want people who are inquisitive and keen. That's all. As long as you are willing to work hard to discover the intricacies of the course then you will do brilliantly.

          Now a quick reminder to all of you who are completing the work. Can this please be emailed to me at JF@lpgs.bromley.sch.uk. The school will be checking on the quality and quantity of people's progress. So please email me everything you have done as I am genuinely interested in what you have written. This is not a mechanical course with one right answer that I will simply glance at to check if it looks right. I want to know what you think and the reasons why you think it. The more young people we can get interested in politics, the sooner our politics will work for you. For example, if all students voted then it would be a brave political party who didn't take another look at university tuition fees. The power is in your hands to shape the country to your future.

          Speak soon everyone and I am really looking forward to meeting you all in September.

          Mr Fowle

          Posted by DB:Cloud:DB:SIMSemp:36016, 14/07/2021 at 09:09

          1. Posted by DB:Cloud:DB:SIMSstu:35841, 08/08/2021 at 17:43

            1. Welcome new Politics students. If you would like to post an article, ask a question, or just start a general conversation about a political issue then please post here.

              Posted by DB:Cloud:DB:SIMSemp:36016, 24/08/2023 at 16:36