Sociology Forum

Thread Replies Last reply
Juanita Ikediashi
1 24/08/2022 at 15:18
3 05/07/2022 at 19:14
0 10/08/2021 at 01:00
0 09/08/2021 at 18:12
0 09/08/2021 at 14:00
0 02/08/2021 at 14:28
0 02/08/2021 at 14:15
1 20/07/2021 at 11:55
0 20/07/2021 at 11:50
0 07/06/2021 at 13:18
0 27/04/2020 at 18:15
  1. Questions about your new Sociology A-level...

    If you have any Q's about this course, please reply to this thread and either myself or Ms Banks will get back to you.

    Posted by DB:Cloud:DB:SIMSemp:33189, 14/04/2020 at 13:00

    1. How will you know whether we have completed the weekly activities?

      Posted by DB:Cloud:DB:SIMSstu:33506, 20/04/2020 at 19:09

      1. Hi Lawrencia. Please upload any tasks you complete as an email attachment and forward them to

        Posted by DB:Cloud:DB:SIMSemp:33189, 21/04/2020 at 14:05

      2. Are the weekly activities still to be sent as an email attachment, or via forum?

        Posted by Juanita Ikediashi, 05/07/2022 at 19:14

      3. Welcome to all who are interested in taking Sociology. Just to let you know some A-level subjects (mine included) have, as yet, not been given details about which students are taking their classes. Please bear with us; it appears to be a technical issue. I'll be able to give you a formal welcome when the issue is resolved. I'm not ignoring you :)

        Posted by DB:Cloud:DB:SIMSemp:33189, 27/04/2020 at 18:15

        1. Wow! A lot has happened in a year...
          As before - any Q's about Sociology here at Langley, post them here.

          Posted by DB:Cloud:DB:SIMSemp:33189, 07/06/2021 at 13:18

          1. Hey all. Send your work as an attachment to my work email: Don't worry if you've seen your work removed from this forum. I have saved it as a document. Well done all. I am seeing some good efforts.

            Posted by DB:Cloud:DB:SIMSemp:33189, 04/07/2021 at 17:49

            1. Good afternoon MR Clark when i try to send my work to that email it doesn't work would it be ok if i sent my work to the forum instead?

              Posted by, 20/07/2021 at 11:55

            2. Task 9

              1. Most people that are drawn to cults are at a crossroad in their life, where they have a lot of questions this could be because they want a greater sense of purpose in life and want to know how to fulfil this purpose. It could be that they have recently undergone a personal or professional loss and want answers. Cults make you believe that they have the answers that you seek and this is why people are drawn to them

              2. I think that people don’t realise that they’ve joining a cult until they’re in it, as cults like to appear as a normal group of people and you only hear about the more radical ideas when you’ve joined. Cult members will usually go for a coffee or to the movies with you and then invite you to one of their group sessions this is the first stage of initiation to the cult. After the first couple of sessions, you start to believe in their ideology and when you start to question them cults will use multiple manipulation tactics to stop you from questioning them. By the time you realise that it’s a cult it's too late

              3. I think that the problem with having one main person as the cult leader is that they have a lot of control and influence over the people that follow them this could lead to them being exploited for money and other things.

              4. Cults do use mind control and indoctrination and this is what gives them complete and absolute control and loyalty of their followers. Cults are very careful and precise when initiating and indoctrinating a new person they usually go for someone who is emotionally hurt and mentally venerable. Followers of a cult are kept closed off from the rest of the world and deliberately seclude themselves from other people only congregating with fellow cultists. This way they are only exposed to things that the cult wants them to see slowly changing the way they think and using techniques such as peer pressure to submit their followers, so that over time the ideas of the cult are deemed to be normal and not radical like the rest of the world would see it.

              5. It is difficult to leave a cult as followers have been mentally taught that defying the cult is wrong, and that you should put your trust in them also through the use of brainwashing and indoctrination the followers are made to be dependent on their leader. Some members had grown up in these cults so that type of life is all they know making it even harder to leave and integrate into society.

              6. I think that cults are very dangerous because of the amount of power and influence the leader has over their followers. It is very damaging to relationships as cults want you to sever ties with family and friends. Furthermore, it is damaging to the mental health of the followers as they are brainwashed and indoctrinated into thinking that everyone in the outside world is a threat. I think that the power and authority that cults have over their followers is plausible to be abused.

              Posted by, 20/07/2021 at 11:50

              1. Task 7

                People started to stock pile on toilet paper during the pandemic because they were scared and started to panic buy and hoard non-perishable items like toilet role dry pasta and tinned foods. I also think that once people saw other people buying lots of toilet role, they then started to do it themselves showing herd mentality.

                I think that some news networks acted responsibly by reporting facts, statistics and figures but other networks didn’t act responsibly and were giving out false information and fear mongering causing people to panic. Furthermore, I think that all news networks caused a little bit of panic and fear but this was good as it made people listen to government restrictions and regulations and be more cautious.

                I do think that people have shown kindness and sacrifice during the pandemic doing things like clapping for the NHS, football clubs donating to charities, hotels giving NHS workers free rooms, restaurants giving NHS workers discounts and people staying away from elderly and relatives too keep them safe. I myself have experienced kindness when my friends called me just to check upon me and see how I was doing.

                I believe that society needs to learn kindness and acceptance, because during the pandemic as people had to rely on the good will of others to be able to help them whether that be buying shopping because their self-isolating or just having a conversation with someone who's lonely. During the pandemic a lot of social injustices have been highlighted but none more than race. This has been an ongoing issue and struggle for centuries, and although we’ve made great strides for racial equality since then we are still a long way away from the abolition of racism. This was evident when 3 young black British footballers where racially abused online.

                Posted by, 02/08/2021 at 14:15

                1. Task 5

                  Bank of England Museum, Science Museum and the Natural History Museum

                  Last month


                  I usually sight see, go to the waterpark at the resort and just chill

                  BBC 4 radio.

                  Jordan 11 (jubilee) retros.

                  My mum has a degree in business and a finance diploma.

                  It is about rabbits

                  It's called an acorn.

                  A river.

                  Fear is your friend, it allows you to reach your highest potential. The fear of failing will push you to do great things.

                  I would tell them to work hard at school because education opens a lot of doors for you but remember that it's up to you to keep the door open and step in.

                  I think that teachers view me as a hard-working student with a lot of enthusiasm (sometimes too much).

                  Yes, I love going on holiday the hotels are always nice.

                  Yes, their cars and houses are very nice.

                  Yes, I do boxing currently but I've previously played.

                  I do feel like my parents understand my dreams and they do help and push me to achieve them daily.

                  The schools in my area most of them have a very good reputation others not so much.


                  Yes, I know a few people who could help me get a job. I could be a coach a waiter or a financial assistant

                  Posted by, 02/08/2021 at 14:28

                  1. Task 5
                    1. Natural history museum, imperial war museum, science museum
                    2. d
                    3. 4-5
                    4.b and c
                    5. BBC Radio 4
                    6. Balenciagas
                    7. GCSES and CeMAP and A degree in neuroanatomy
                    8. a small group of rabbits
                    9. acorn
                    10. a river
                    11. be true to yourself
                    12. that if you fail an exam it's not the end of the world, as long as you know you tried your best then that's all that matters
                    13. a
                    14. yes
                    15. yes
                    16. yes
                    17. most don't but there is a couple that is known the have a bad reputation
                    18. coherent
                    19. I already have a job as a waitress, I just used indeed as my parents don't know anyone who works in that industry

                    Posted by DB:Cloud:DB:SIMSstu:35626, 09/08/2021 at 14:00

                    1. Task 4
                      My parents childhoods was very different to mine as they said back in there childhood they had less pressure from social media, they was also outside way more this was due to lack of technology.
                      They went threw less stress and they also had way more discipline as there parents was more strict.
                      In the future I think parents would be less strict on kids and they would have more freedom because as time goes on children are open to more things such as new technology.
                      There will also be way more pressure on the youth in the future because of social media and there will be lots of expectations for how young kids should act and look.
                      In the pictures showed on the slides there is a trend and we can see that that all the boys look a certain way and look similar, this shows that there was not many trends. There was also no girls shown in the pictures this shows that girls might not off been seen as that important and boys was seen higher up then them.

                      Posted by, 09/08/2021 at 18:12

                      1. Task 8
                        Picture 1- It shows two different types of people having lots of conflict and not getting along very well with each other. This demonstrates that society might of been divided because off what people do for a living, in this case people who work in a army and just ordinary people.

                        Picture 2 - The picture presents to us a group of fire fighters sitting down after a long day of hard work and all of them resting. This alone lets us know that in Society some people work way harder then others to keep people say and out of harm.

                        Picture 3- This picture shows what people wanted and expected life to be like for example only positive things happening and no struggles in life.
                        Society now is nothing like that and life is not all full of roses.

                        Picture 4-In the picture we can see different religions and how now a days people believe in many different things and religions

                        Posted by, 10/08/2021 at 01:00

                        1. Where are we to submit the work we've done?

                          Posted by Juanita Ikediashi, 06/07/2022 at 12:52

                          1. Hi Juanita, Ms Spink here! You can send them to and

                            Thank you, See you in September

                            Posted by u2145, 24/08/2022 at 15:18