Dear fellow readers,
At Langley Park school for Girls, everyone is learning one way or another. Teachers guide us to help us find the answer to our problems, our concerns and our worries. There are also an abundant of subjects to discover, learn and use in our daily lives.
Maths allows us to use logic to find solutions to our problems. English allows us to create worlds that only we can imagine and share them with everyone we know or even just writing a letter for a job request or our CV's. Science allows us to ask questions and get answers that never cease to amaze us.
Geography allows you to travel the modern world in your seat as history makes you travel back in time. Religious studies allows you to see the different views and cultures that will make you think more widely about the world.
Music, art and drama makes you think creatively, allows you to express yourself and create things that will connect people on an emotive level.
Languages helps you communicate with people from different countries. P.E. makes you run in the wind and get out of the usual “sit at the desk" routine and it allows you to get out there and play as a team.
All in all LPGS's diverse range of subjects is what makes the school and students in it unique. If I have forgot any subjects I am very sorry but there are so much the school can offer that I am afraid I can’t fit it in this one article.
Thank you very much for reading
Maryam E