Art and Design (Fine Art/Textiles)

Welcome to Art and Design (Fine Art/Textiles)

Description of Course

We offer an Art and Design A-Level, 2 Year course which includes 2D and 3D work in drawing, painting, mixed media and print making and elements of Textiles and leads to the full A-Level qualification.

You undertake an in depth study of: drawing, painting, print making, mixed media sculpture and Textiles. You are encouraged to analyse made and natural forms and structures in order to develop use of visual imagery and powers of personal expression. Development of critical awareness is central to the course, and visits are made to galleries and exhibitions to broaden your knowledge of contemporary Art, Craft and Design as well as that from the past and from other cultures. You keep a sketch book/journal throughout the course. In Year 12 students are encourage to join our programme of evening life drawing classes in order to help develop fundamental drawing skills.

This course is taught by:

Ms C Keeble (Visual Arts Teacher)